5 Quotes & Sayings By Elizabeth Gillies

Elizabeth Gillies is the author of the bestselling, award-winning novels The Secret Diary of Lady Vinci, The Shadow Queen, and The Book of Secrets. For adult readers, she is best known for her historical fiction, including The Italian Bride. Her acclaimed series for young readers features the adventures of the daughter of Leonardo da Vinci.

A strong sense of humor, a really awesome personality, and maturity is also really important in a boyfriend. I tend to only be attracted to older guys for that reason. I just love guys who have a really strong sense of who they are. Elizabeth Gillies
I love being a teen because you don't have all the responsibilities of an adult yet. Elizabeth Gillies
Hopefully, after 'Victorious' has lived a long and beautiful life, I would like to go into movies. And I'd like to have a very successful movie career. Ultimately I'd love to win an Oscar; that's my big goal in life, so that's what I'm going for. Elizabeth Gillies
Once you lose the honesty in a relationship, I mean, I think you don't have a relationship at all. Elizabeth Gillies