10 Quotes & Sayings By Elana K Arnold

Elana K. Arnold is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance novels filled with humor, heart and heart. Her stories are known for their clever banter and sexy, swoon-worthy moments. Elana’s novels have been translated in over twenty languages around the world Read more

She lives in New Jersey with her amazing husband, two awesome children, and two adorable but badly behaved dogs. She has a long-standing love/hate relationship with caffeine

As long as there have been women,
As long as there have been women, " Mom told me, "there have been ways to punish them for being women. Elana K. Arnold
It's not new, our valuation of young female people for how they can serve, satisfy, and satiate. Our girls are both the platter and the meal, and we eat them up--we eat their meat, we lap up their sweetness, we covet and control and consume. Elana K. Arnold
As long as there have been women.
As long as there have been women." Mom told me, "there have been ways to punish them for being women. Elana K. Arnold
Perhaps that is where our choice lies -- in determining...
Perhaps that is where our choice lies -- in determining how we will meet the inevitable end of things, and how we will greet each new beginning. Elana K. Arnold
Maybe they're not "real" orgasms, since they're always when I'm alone. It's like that question: If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it make a sound? Probably solo orgasms don't count if a boy isn't there to witness them. To cause them. Elana K. Arnold
There is no such thing as unconditional love, " my mother told me. "I could stop loving you at any time. Elana K. Arnold
You can't make people love you. Love isn't something you earn, or something you deserve. Love just is. Or it isn't. Anyway, there are more important things than love. Like service. Being of service. With love, you're waiting around for someone to give it to you. But service, that's something you give. And you don't have to give it just to people you love. It doesn't matter who you serve. It's the serving that matters. Elana K. Arnold
I'll walk as fast as I want, and I will take breaks whenever I feel like it. There is no one to follow, no one to keep up with. There's just me and this one beautiful day, this one moment, right here, now. Elana K. Arnold
That's who unconditional love is for - dogs and their masters, fools and their gods. Elana K. Arnold