5 Quotes & Sayings By Eka Kurniawan

Eka Kurniawan is an Indonesian author, poet, and popular novelist. His work has been translated into German, French, Italian, English, and Japanese. His writing has been praised for its "incredible richness of image" and "powerful magic". In 2005, his novel Pemandangan Agung (Climatic Vision) won the Anugerah Planet Indonesia.

It's not man's job to think about whether God exists or not, especially when you know that right in front of your eyes one person is stepping on another's neck. Eka Kurniawan
Communism was born from a beautiful dream, the likes of which there will never be again on the face of this earth: that there would no longer be lazy men who eat their fill while others work hard and starve. Eka Kurniawan
If a man couldn’t control his beast, it could turn so violent that nothing could restrain it once enraged. Eka Kurniawan
If I might share my opinion, this world is hell, and our task is to create our own heaven. Eka Kurniawan