6 Quotes & Sayings By Edward Averett

Edward Averett is the author of over thirty titles in the Christian Living and Personal Growth categories. His writing, which has been described as "heartfelt, honest, and direct" is distributed worldwide through major publishing houses. He is also an accomplished public speaker who has shared his knowledge with thousands of people at conferences, retreats, churches, and schools nationwide. Edward Averett is the founder of the Pearls of Spiritual Wisdom website, on which he shares his stories and insights on faith, spirituality, marriage, parenting, family life, relationships and more. He has appeared on television and radio programs across America as well as throughout Europe and Australia Read more

He is a featured contributor to major websites such as The Huffington Post, Examiner.com , OurFamilyWizard.com , FamilyLifeToday.org , CatholicMom.com , BloggingforJesus.org , etc. About the Pearls of Spiritual Wisdom series: Pearls of Spiritual Wisdom is a collection of stories that are intended to inspire you to become all that God has called you to be in this life. It contains short stories that will help you understand how God feels about you and your life. In these stories you will see God's love for each one of us in a different light.

You will learn from these stories how to live a life that honors Him through your actions in every area of your life - work, play, prayer and relationships with others - so that He can use you to help others discover His love for them too! These stories have been prayed over by God Himself for His glory and to bring hope to all who read them because He knows their importance in our lives today...the key to living a fruitful life that honors Him! The Pearls of Spiritual Wisdom Series: The One Who Wants Me - In this story we revisit Jonah's dramatic flight from God when he was thrown into the sea by the storm's wrath. We'll explore how his flight from God led him to seek meaning in a world he didn't understand or trust in this story we'll learn why John 14:6 is one of the most important passages in all Scripture...the one scripture verse that changed my life! The One Who Changed Me - In this story we learn how a young woman caught in an abusive relationship learned she had been betrayed by her boyfriend only after she'd spent three years preparing for them to get married. We'll learn how her single mother's prayers gave her strength after the abuse began against her

People don't always need a name.
People don't always need a name. Edward Averett
Well, what's reality, then? Is it what I think or what other people think? Edward Averett
Your reality is not my reality. Edward Averett
People think being depressed is just being tired and lazy. It isn't. It's more like being dead when you're still breathing. Edward Averett
Every single day should be crazy fun. Edward Averett