4 Quotes & Sayings By Edna Robinson

Edna Robinson was the author of more than two hundred books. In addition to writing novels, she also wrote biographies, histories, and an autobiography. Robinson's most famous novel is "A House Is Not a Home," a story of a family struggling with discrimination in Canada. She was a member of the Ontario Society of Authors and the Society of American Historians Read more

Her other honors include membership in the American Academy of Achievement and honorary degrees from Wilfred Laurier University and the University of Guelph.

There is no such thing as a beauty contest .....
There is no such thing as a beauty contest .. . Beauty is noncompetitive. Beauty of any kind stands alone, unmatched, inimitable, uncontested. Edna Robinson
Considering the extravagance of my expectations, the flying experience was bound to be a disappointment. Edna Robinson
Success, as we categorize it, is a simple and pitiable thing. It's only a matter of degree of wanting, and accident. Wanting plays the major role in everybody's life--accident all the others. The only condition any of us can be sure of in this universe is wanting. How tepid or burning hot the want is depends on accident. But since accident isn't really as accidental as we'd like to think--accident is the great fooler and comforter of mankind--we become 'successful' exactly to the degree we want. Edna Robinson