2 Quotes & Sayings By Edith Warner

Edith Warner was born in Boston, Massachusetts on October 25, 1867. She attended the School of the Museum of Fine Arts and later taught art and painting at the University of Cincinnati and at Wellesley College. Her first published story appeared in Harpers Weekly in November 1892. It was a short story, "The Voyage of the Deutschland," and it won her a $500 first prize from the National Magazine Company Read more

But it was her work for Harper's that made her famous as "The Queen of Adventure." Warner wrote hundreds of stories for Harper's, some as long as twenty-two thousand words. Her stories were packed with action and excitement, and they portrayed compelling people caught up in daring adventures. She became known as one of the most prolific writers of adventure fiction.

She is best known for her work with author Theodore Dreiser, who wrote a series about a character based on her called Sister Carrie. After Dreiser's death, she remarried and retired from writing fiction to devote herself full time to philanthropic work.