4 Quotes & Sayings By Dw Winnicott

D.W. Winnicott (1896-1971) was a British psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and educator who developed the field of object relations in psychoanalytic theory. Winnicott is best known for his work in the area of transitional objects in infancy. His theory of transitional objects encompasses the experience of infants' emotional contact with their mother's body, especially her breast, which is perceived as the source of essential nourishment Read more

A transitional object refers to an object that "functions as a bridge between what has been lost and what is to come".

Artists are people driven by the tension between the desire to communicate and the desire to hide. D.W. Winnicott
We are poor indeed if we are only sane. D.W. Winnicott
...there is for many a poverty of play and cultural life because, although the person had a place for erudition, there was a relative failure on the part of those who constitute the child's world of persons to introduce cultural elements at the appropriate phases of the person's personality development. D.W. Winnicott