3 Quotes & Sayings By Dorotea Brandin

Dorotea Brandin is a writer, speaker, and author of several books. She has written for newspapers, magazines, and websites in the fields of health, nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle. Dorotea is also a certified personal trainer. Her work has been featured on CNN, ABC News, Fox News, The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Dr Read more

Oz Show, Fox Business Network, The Rachael Ray Show, The Dr. Phil Show, Jillian Michaels' Biggest Loser Boot Camp/Biggest Loser Family Reunion/and TLC's My Big Fat Fabulous Life.

The symbol of the Lotus flower gives a precious teaching that can inspire us to deal with life in the best possible way. Its roots take nourishment from muddy waters and yet bloom in full delicacy and beauty on the surface. Similarly, to have a positive mindset is a beautiful quality; nonetheless to be transformational it needs to be rooted firmly in reality to then blossom with the value which can be created from the muddy problem(s) . Dorotea Brandin
No matter what we do, each instant contains infinite choices. What we choose to think, to say or to hear creates what we feel in the present moment, it conditions the quality of our communication and in the end the quality of our everyday life. Beliefs and attitudes are made of thoughts. Negative thoughts can be changed and by doing so we create for ourselves more pleasant inner states and have a different impact on the people around us. Dorotea Brandin