3 Quotes & Sayings By Donald E Knuth

Donald E. Knuth obtained his PhD in mathematics from UC Berkeley in 1962. He is currently a Research Professor Emeritus at Stanford University, where he received the IEEE Founders Medal for his contributions to the field of computer science. He has made fundamental contributions to computational complexity theory, number theory, and algorithms, including the development of the Knuth–Bendix–Meyer theorem, which revolutionized our understanding of recurrences in computer algorithms.

Instead of concentrating just on finding good answers to questions, it's more important to learn how to find good questions! Donald E. Knuth
From now on whenever I read a math book, I'm going to try to figure out by myself how everything was done, before looking at the solution. Even if I don't figure it out, I think I'll be able to see the beauty of a proof then. Donald E. Knuth