10 Quotes & Sayings By Dennis R Miller

Dennis R. Miller is an American author and inspirational speaker. He is the author of "The Positive Mental Attitude Book" and "The Positive Mental Attitude Book for Women." His work has been featured in "Christianity Today", "The Plain Truth", "The Wall Street Journal", "USA Today", "World", "Family Life", and many other publications. Dennis is also the co-founder of the non-profit, Positive Mental Attitude, Inc., which is dedicated to inspiring people to become their best selves.

For me, all writing -- storytelling and style -- gets back to the Bible, Twain and Hemingway, and not in that order. Dennis R. Miller
Storytelling? God started that. Discovery. Lust. Murder. Revenge. Power. Sin. Redemption. Forgiveness. Miracles. We simply retell the stories in the language of our generation. Dennis R. Miller
Writing a novel is like traveling the universe on foot. Dennis R. Miller
Another drink, another sentence, and the writing continues on.. .. Dennis R. Miller
For some offenses, there is only retribution." Nora Hawks, "One Woman's Vengeance. Dennis R. Miller
Writing is easy. Writing is hard. It's a breeze and a struggle, just like life. Dennis R. Miller
What fascinates me about writing is wrestling thought into reality and creating a new world that is forever. Dennis R. Miller
Do you really think that laws made by men and a justice system maintained by men will ever be fair in cases of rape? Nora Hawks from One Bullet Beyond Justice Dennis R. Miller
I don’t care that it has been going on since the Old Testament. Rape is wrong and I will keep fighting violent men. Everything starts with one person and the determination to see it through. Nora Hawks from One Bullet Beyond Justice. Dennis R. Miller