7 Quotes & Sayings By Dennis James

Dennis James is a bestselling author and a successful entrepreneur. He has a successful career in the corporate world while being an accomplished author. He is a co-founder of The Entrepreneur Club, a profitable social club that brings together successful people from all walks of life.

It takes confidence to be wholeheartedly intimate and passionately committed. Men who are emotionally unavailable have a self-confidence deficit, plain and simple. So man up and get rid of those insecurities or whatever it is that keeps you from opening up. Because if you're not man enough to talk about your own feelings, then you're not man enough to be in a committed relationship. Dennis James
Just by virtue of their fantastically wonderful ability to approach life from the heart instead of the ego, women have a head start on us with their natural tendency to already live life to its fullest potential. Dennis James
Admit to yourself women are equal. In fact go ahead and say it. They're superior. Nuff said. Dennis James
How many men do you personally know whom you would typically classify as Kind, Gentle and Loving...I'm guessing the list is not very long. Now think of the women whose lives are characterized by those same virtues. I'm going to go with, that list is probably much longer. Dennis James
The next time you feel like withdrawing, make a decision to take action and fight the defense mechanism that says to keep your feelings inside. Let those feelings out for goodness sake. Jump on the rooftop if you feel like it and express yourself to the world. You'll be glad you did. Learn to open up and you'll discover a whole new side of yourself. You'll live happier and so will the folks around you. Everybody wins. . Dennis James
Guys, you should always fight the urge to put your mouth in gear before taking your brain out of park. Dennis James