4 Quotes & Sayings By Dennis Cogswell

Dennis Cogswell is an artist, author, philosopher and philosopher-king. He's the founder of the world's oldest independently operating art school, Cornell University of New York City. He has authored three books including his latest The Little Book of Big Ideas. His other books are titled Get it Done Now! and The World's Greatest Philosophy Books.

One does not change a feeling by focusing on that feelings. One changes a feeling by changing one's behaviors and or one's thoughts Dennis Cogswell
When I have too much information or too many choices, I often get confused.- When one wants to encourage another to learn what ”I know that you don’t know, ” encourage them to engage in deep thought on a topic you suggest. Deep thought is a positive activity that doesn’t blame and results in both a thinking process and outputs/outcomes that are positive. Dennis Cogswell
Much of human communication is a monologue delivered to anyone who will listen. A real dialogue allows many to express and has the chance of leading to more discovery.- Dennis Cogswell