5 Quotes & Sayings By Debbianne Derose

Debbianne DeRose is a professional life coach, inspirational speaker, social media educator, and author. She has authored over twenty books including “Empowering Women to Live a Life of Purpose” and “The Body Language Book: The New Language of Nonverbal Communication for Women”, which have been translated into fifteen languages. Her work has been featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal, CNN, MSNBC, and other national publications. Debbianne is a regular guest presenter at international conferences and keynote addresses for Fortune 500 companies Read more

A popular public speaker, she has been featured in numerous television shows including Good Morning America® and ABC World News Tonight®. Debbianne lives in Florida with her husband and two children.

Having your cake and eating it too is how Life was meant to be. Everything is possible. And the things we want the most are not only possible, they're highly probable. Debbianne DeRose
Regardless of the delivery method, your Higher Mind will leave you a trail of popcorn. It's been happening all along, even if you've been unaware, trampling it underfoot. It may only be one kernel at a time, but that's all you really need. Debbianne DeRose
When you decide to appreciate something, no matter how subtle, you absolutely do pivot and shift your vibration significantly. Debbianne DeRose
Your manifesting results comprise a chain with a zillion tiny links–moments, experiences, conversations, physical objects, and coinciding events–all leading up to what you'd consider "the finished product" or the goal achieved. Be open to recognizing and appreciating every link. Normally the mind glosses, or even steamrollers, over them, discounting them as stupid, unimportant, too-little-too-late, irrelevant or uninteresting. Debbianne DeRose