4 Quotes & Sayings By Debbi Mack

Debbi Mack is an award-winning author of inspirational romantic fiction, published around the world. Debbi's books have been featured on the New York Times Bestseller List and have sold more than 2 million copies worldwide. Debbi is a graduate of the Writer's Institute, where she was honored as one of their top ten instructors. She currently resides in Arizona with her husband, two children, and three dogs.

He stood at the entrance to the kitchen, blocking my path to the front door like the Berlin Wall. -- Least Wanted Debbi Mack
I've never been a morning person, and if it's one thing I don't need before my first cup of coffee, it's a visit from the cops. But at eight forty-five on a Friday morning, two of them waited for me at my law office. Debbi Mack
You can run from the past, but it always catches up with you. Debbi Mack