5 Quotes & Sayings By David Z Hirsch

David Hirsch is a Certified Professional Coach and a Certified Master Trainer. He has been a leader in the field of leadership training since the 1970s. He was a national consultant to Fortune 500 companies, federal agencies, and organizations during the 1980s and 1990s. As a coach, he taught for over 20 years at the University of Nebraska as an adjunct professor Read more

He co-founded the International Leadership Association (ILA), one of the first professional organizations specializing in leadership training and development. David Hirsch is internationally known as a speaker and author on leadership, organizational change, and personal growth.

Stress and sleep deprivation had a funny way of liberating the mind from previously held truisms, replacing them with a more compliant desperation. David Z. Hirsch
Sometimes we called one another by our future doctor names. We did it partly to be funny, but mostly because we liked it when people did it back to us. David Z. Hirsch
We all knew where the goop originated and could have defended ourselves, but the origin of the fusillade doubled as the center of the action. Once the baby’s scalp protruded, we all hunkered down and braced ourselves. David Z. Hirsch
Her dreamy countenance infuriated me more than her words. I had seen that expression directed at me once upon a time. David Z. Hirsch