5 Quotes & Sayings By David Novak

David Novak is a musician and musician-turned-author. He has been writing for over a decade. His original ideas have been a part of several albums and CD's. Some of his work has been featured on the radio and in the mainstream media Read more

He has penned several novels, short stories, poems, essays and other works that have been published in various print media as well as being featured on the Internet.

It was in the early 1960s that my late revered teacher, Professor Abraham Joshua Heschel, became the first major Jewish theologian in America to enter into dialogue with Christian theologians on a high theological level. David Novak
The most important part of the process of mourning is regularly reciting kaddish in a synagogue. Kaddish is a doxology, which Jewish tradition has mandated children to recite daily in a synagogue during the year of mourning for a deceased parent and then on the anniversary of his or her death thereafter. David Novak
The Vatican's recognition of the State of Israel in 1997 could not have occurred without John Paul's leadership. David Novak
The relationship between God and his people was always the one having absolute primacy, the one that had basically to determine all human relationships, whether those within the covenanted community itself or those between the covenanted community and the outside world. David Novak