5 Quotes & Sayings By David Mccallum

David McCallum is the author of 45 books, including the "New York Times" bestseller, "The Woman Who Loved Tom Jones." His first book was presented to President Reagan by the U.S. State Department at a White House reception for distinguished authors. He has appeared on numerous television and radio programs, including "The Today Show," "The CBS Morning News," "Good Morning America," and numerous national magazine shows. He has also written articles for numerous publications, including "Cosmopolitan," "Omni," "Natural Health," "Business Week," and the "Los Angeles Times."

I didn't want to be famous. I just wanted to earn enough money to have a nice life and enjoy acting. David McCallum
If I had no family, my wife and I would lead a much more romantic and nomadic existence. David McCallum
Fear, conformity, immorality: these are heavy burdens. They drain us of creative energy. And when we are drained of creative energy, we do not create. We procreate, but we do not create. David McCallum
We should learn to live and love our neighbors as ourselves for the sake of peace and progress. David McCallum