3 Quotes & Sayings By David Lubar

David Lubar is a Certified Master ASE Master Technician and a 20 year veteran of the automotive industry with over 40 years of service. He has been involved in all aspects of the automotive industry and is now an independent mechanic and consultant. His passion is to help others and to share his wealth of knowledge with others who are ready to make a change in their lives.

As we reached the wooded hill that led to the pipe, Cheater said, "Uh-oh.""What's wrong?" I asked." Is anyone here thinking about kicking the crap out of me?" he asked." Not me, " I said." Me either, " Lucky said." Maybe tomorrow, " Flinch told him. "But not at the moment." hidden talents David Lubar
I totally don't know what to do." He got up and started pacing. "Am I supposed to get you a present? Or maybe a card. I'm completely lost. David Lubar