3 Quotes & Sayings By David Levien

David Levien is a writer and producer who has worked on the hit television series LOST, THE WIRE, MAD MEN, HBO's MOONLIGHTING, and more recently on the critically acclaimed series The Americans. He has created numerous television series including Brooklyn South for Showtime, which ran for two seasons. He also was a producer on the socially conscious comedy series The New Adventures of Old Christine. His writing credits include the feature films Cast Away, Saving Private Ryan, and The Sum of All Fears Read more

David lives in Los Angeles with his wife and daughter.

At the end, one didn't remember life as a whole...
At the end, one didn't remember life as a whole but as just a string of moments. David Levien
The city was a hive from this height, the people and the yellow cabs moving about in the street below like pre-programmed insects. (Dark City Lights) David Levien