5 Quotes & Sayings By David Lee

David Lee has over 30 years of experience in the property management industry. He has lived, worked and played in Australia, United Kingdom, USA, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and Asia. He is currently the owner of David Lee Investments, a property management company based in Sydney, Australia.

My first project was to build an ionization gauge control circuit for Professor Edgar Everhart's Cockcroft-Walton accelerator. In those days, vacuum tubes were the active components in electronic circuits. I can still recall the warm orange glow of the vacuum tube filaments and the cool blue glow of the thyratron tubes. David Lee
Following graduation from high school in 1948, I attended Harvard University where I became a physics major. Having grown up in a small town, I found Harvard to be an enormously enriching experience. Students in my class came from all walks of life and from a great variety of geographical locations. David Lee
Basic science provides long-term benefits for ourselves and our fragile planet and should be supported by all the world's societies. David Lee
I look back upon graduate school as being a very happy period in my life. The chance to be thoroughly immersed in physics and to be surrounded by friends pursuing similar goals was a marvelous experience. David Lee