4 Quotes & Sayings By David Joy

David Joy works in the area of writing and editing, with a specialization in poetry. He has edited children's books for several publishers, including Scholastic Press, and has written or contributed to more than fifty anthologies of poetry. He is the author of the poetry book "Ways I See the World, Ways I See Myself" (Eldridge Press, 2005).

I did wonder what happened when we died, though, and I'd wondered about it for most of my life. Thinking that nothing happened, that there was absolutely nothing following all of this pain, seemed just as silly as magic. No, there had to be something. David Joy
The conversations of men had always been muddy rivers, the surface's roiling a reflection of what's buried, but the bottom some mysterious thing that would always be hidden. David Joy
Most of us knew things that we didn't even want to confess to ourselves, so we took those secrets with us like condoms, stuffed in wallets, that would never be used. David Joy