8 Quotes & Sayings By Daphne Oz

Daphne Oz is a well-known food personality, best known for her role as the host of the popular Bravo television show, The Fabulist. She is also the author of two previous cookbooks, The Daphne Project and Daphne's Real Greek Revolution. Her new book, Daphne's Real Greek Revolution: More Than 100 Favorite Real Greek Recipes, was published in 2010.

Developing a diet that is healthful, balanced, and appropriate for your particular caloric needs is easy enough and is absolutely critical to establishing a healthful lifestyle that incorporates proper nutrition, adequate fitness, and mental resilience. Daphne Oz
A 'diet' is simply an individual's eating regimen: it doesn't have to mean the restrictive plan we've come to associate this word with. Daphne Oz
After my first week of no wheat, my stomachaches were gone, my mucous cleared up, and I felt incredibly energetic. My headaches were also less frequent and less severe, and I had lost 3 pounds, most of it swelling and water weight my body had been holding onto as part of its response to the wheat products in my diet. Daphne Oz
A gluten-free diet still allows you access to almost every fruit and vegetable, a variety of grains and legumes, your pick of dairy products, fresh meats and fish and a whole slew of special gluten-free delights to satisfy your pretzel-bagel-muffin-doughnut craving. Daphne Oz
The Dorm Room Diet is nothing like the conventional diets you may have tried in the past. It offers guidelines for creating a healthy lifestyle on your own, without the daunting restrictions of a quick-fix diet. Daphne Oz
At my heaviest, I was 5'8" and 175 pounds. I ate well, but in too large quantities, and I rarely made a concerted effort to burn off the extra calories. I'd beat myself up about being overweight, even though I had the tools to be in shape. Then I'd resort to an unhealthy diet to lose the weight that was making me self-conscious. Daphne Oz
Everyone has their own definition of a healthy lifestyle, and mine has come to mean making health a priority but not an obsession. Daphne Oz