5 Quotes & Sayings By Danielle Rohr

Danielle Rohr is the New York Times bestselling author of the popular Daring Greatly series, which has sold over two million copies. She was also the first author to win all three James Patterson's Thriller Awards for Best First Novel - The Disenchanted, The Forgotten, and The Changeling. She is one of only four authors to have won all three awards. Danielle lives in Los Angeles with her husband, daughters, and dog Read more

We don't speak of it, or react to it. Paralyzed in a reality of uncertainty and madness, this is where we are. Danielle Rohr
The parts of my mind that apply logic and understanding had somehow abandoned me, and something primitive and instinctual took control. Danielle Rohr
It was Chelsea who captures our plummet before it reaches the deepest parts of our vulnerability. Danielle Rohr
The vision of this massive body of water with towering monoliths jutting straight upward to the heavens, stole our ability to think. Colors that made the wildflowers look dull, streaked up and down across the great pillars of hardened rock. The clouds and sky were mirrored in the glassy surface of the deep expanse of lake. Danielle Rohr