7 Quotes & Sayings By Daley Thompson

Daley Thompson is a retired Olympic athlete and was dubbed "The Flying Scotsman" while competing in the Montreal Olympics in 1976. He competed in the 1500m and the marathon and won a silver medal at the 1976 Olympics and a bronze medal at the 1980 Olympics. He also participated in two Commonwealth Games and one European Championships. He is the only Briton to win three gold medals at one Olympic Games.

Kids have been let down by adults - we've tried to give them too much, we've tried not to impose discipline. We've tried to make their lives easier and, in doing so, we've taken something away from them. Kids like boundaries, they also like to be pushed, need to learn what failure is all about, need guidance. Daley Thompson
If you work hard in real life, people tend to get in your way - either from inertia or prejudice - and they stop you achieving things. It's the worst thing about real life compared with sports, where you generally get what you deserve: if you're the fastest guy, you win; there are no other games being played. Daley Thompson
Sport fosters many things that are good teamwork and leadership. Daley Thompson
We crave instant success these days. If you are a really good sprinter and long jumper, you don't want to spend two or three years on a whole new set of events. You're used to doing well and it's difficult to give that up. Daley Thompson
Kids are starting at such a low base rate in terms of fitness that it's taking them years to catch up to where people like me started from. Every little bit is making it more difficult for kids to succeed on a world stage. Daley Thompson
I've still got a small fitness and conditioning business where I travel round the world doing stuff for individuals and corporations, mainly fitness training. Daley Thompson