5 Quotes & Sayings By Cynthia Heald

Cynthia Heald is a Certified Professional Coach, Certified Master Life Coach, Certified Master Social Media Strategist, and Certified Master Green Smoothie Coach. She has been featured on The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News, ABC's 20/20, Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees, Dr. Oz, Oprah Winfrey's Super Soul Conversations , Oprah Radio Show, Sirius XM Radio Highwire Live with Highwire PR radio show to speak for corporations for over 10 years. Cynthia has worked with clients in multi-lingual countries such as Mexico, Brazil and Australia Read more

She holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Texas at Austin.

It is the truth that sets us free, and it is the truth that we must run with in order to continue our race in freedom. Cynthia Heald
If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" (John 8:36). Cynthia Heald
It has been observed that "none are free indeed but those whom Christ makes free. Cynthia Heald
As we admit our inadequacy to run the race alone and accept God's gracious redemption, then the race begins to have meaning, validity, and most of all, freedom. Cynthia Heald