6 Quotes & Sayings By Conrad Anker

Conrad Anker is a bestselling author and an acclaimed speaker. He is the founder of the RICH Project and has been featured on Oprah, The Today Show, and CBS Evening News. He is also the founder of the RICH Foundation which works to help people achieve their dreams and become financially free.

Looking out of a tent door into a world of snow and vanishing hopes. ~George Mallory Conrad Anker
I learned that life is about the people around you and the people you give back to. That's what parenting is: You're not there for yourself you're there for your offspring and everyone else around you. Conrad Anker
Standing on the apex of our planet is humbling. I'm starved of oxygen, depleted of reserves, unable to eat, and bound by anxiety. This is a dangerous place. Yet the symbolism of standing on top of the world gives me a chance to experience time on a cosmic scale. Conrad Anker
If you compare Everest photographs in 1953 with its current state, things are melting. I imagine if I were a golfer in Indiana, I'd be hard-pressed to believe in climate change because nothing's going on there. But when you're up in the mountains and seeing the glaciers melt away, it's an obvious physical manifestation of a warming planet. Conrad Anker
Mountains are freedom. Treat them respectfully. Conrad Anker