8 Quotes & Sayings By Common

Common is an American rapper, actor, film producer, poet, writer and musician. He is also the host of the PBS television series "The American Experience." Common was named one of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time by Rolling Stone magazine. It was announced on December 12, 2008 that he had signed with Geffen Records. Common was born Lonnie Rashid Lynn in Chicago, Illinois.

Maybe I write because I’ve learned to show certain parts of my heart on the page that I still struggle to capture in speech. Common
It's our responsibility for the village to say, 'Hey we're going to create these programs, ' whether it's sports, creative arts, music, we need some things to give young people positive things to do, and that's including jobs. Common
I come from playing sports. I compete, so I gotta be better than I was last year. I gotta get better, and that better gotta come from just growing. From learning new stuff to working on it, experience it in life, and failing. Common
You have to be sincere in your feelings. And fear is one of those, sometimes; doubt is one of those; jealousy, anger - all your emotions are not going to be considered the strong emotions; all of them are not going to be love, happiness, joy. Common
Man, if I get a chance to speak on the microphone, I've got to say something somewhere in there. You know, I'm going to laugh and have fun, too, but something has to be said that has some substance, because this is a platform, and the power that we have with words and with this microphone is phenomenal. Common
I think you really have to remember what you loved about making music in the first place. Ultimately, people can be like, 'We've seen this dude in many movies, ' but if they hear a song and they're feeling it, they can look past all the personal things and not hold it against you that you're also an actor. Common
People that I care about, that I consider being friends of mine, most of the things I discuss with them I wouldn't discuss in public because it's a real relationship. It's not a relationship for the public, you know? Common