10 Quotes & Sayings By Cj Heck

C.J. Heck is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur. Her passion is inspiring others to "make lemonade out of lemons," and her mission is to inspire women to live their best life. In 2010, she released a book based on James Joyce's classic novel, "Finnegan's Wake." This book helped her get her first book deal, which led to being named one of Inc's top 100 entrepreneurs under age 30 in 2014 Read more

She has been featured on Oprah, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Fox News, and the New York Times. She has appeared on several TV shows including The Hills and Vanderpump Rules. Heck is an active member of Toastmasters International and serves as the Mentor for the women's club at her alma mater, Southern Methodist University.

She lives in Dallas with her husband and their three children.

A writer's goal is to weave the ordinary into fine...
A writer's goal is to weave the ordinary into fine silk and the truly extraordinary into diaphanous clarity ... C.J. Heck
We writers are a crazy group. I can't think of...
We writers are a crazy group. I can't think of any other profession where the actual work is deep within, uncomfortable, and wanting out. C.J. Heck
We all have an inner voice, our personal whisper from the universe. All we have to do is listen -- feel and sense it with an open heart. Sometimes it whispers of intuition or precognition. Other times, it whispers an awareness, a remembrance from another plane. Dare to listen. Dare to hear with your heart. C.J. Heck
May you always see the world through the eyes of a child. C.J. Heck
At this stage of my life, I've finally come to realize I've learned more from my children than they ever learned from me. C.J. Heck
A writer learns that easy to read is hard to write ... C.J. Heck
When writing for children, it's important to keep in touch with our own inner child. What frightened them, made them happy, made them sad or angry? C.J. Heck
I miss those childish days of long ago, when one day was as long as twenty are now ... C.J. Heck
A runner's high doesn't come from thinking about the end result, only of the moment, one step, one breath, one heartbeat at a time. It's the same for a writer ... C.J. Heck