3 Quotes & Sayings By Christopher S Wren

Christopher S. Wren is an American author whose fiction has been translated into thirty languages. He is the author of the novels "The American" and "The Red Room". His work has been featured in many prestigious literary journals, including "Paris Review", "TriQuarterly", "Georgia Review", "Beloit Fiction Magazine", "StoryQuarterly", "Parnassus", "Crazyhorse", and others Read more

He has taught creative writing at several universities, including University of Texas at Austin, where he received his doctorate in English literature.

The cat arrived with a bottle of Scotch. Christopher S. Wren
So Nikki came aboard as Jaqueline's spare cat, presumably in case our prime cat, Eliza, goes on vacation, takes industrial action, or requests a personal day. Christopher S. Wren