5 Quotes & Sayings By Christopher Mcculloch

Christopher McCulloch works as a programmer, writer and photographer from his home in London. He is the author of numerous books, including How to Make a Killing In The Stock Market and the pioneering self-help book "The Art of War for Beginners" which has been published in 15 countries. He has also written more than sixty articles for various publications on personal development and productivity. Christopher is the creator of the award-winning website "Get Your Shit Together", and is a prolific blogger and Twitter user.

I think the feeling was that 'Venture Brothers' really has something to sell in terms of a feature. 'Aqua Teen' is an element minute cartoon, and its very subversive and non sequitur and weird. We were writing the one show where we were constantly like, 'God, I wish we had another hour to tell this story.' It seemed like a natural fit. Christopher McCulloch
I don't think a lot of people are able to relate to genuine patriotism, a genuinely good feeling about our country and its meaning to the rest of the world. Christopher McCulloch
I really love advertising art of the '50s and the way mid-century design was often represented in jazzy, fast art. Christopher McCulloch
The biggest direct influence on my career is Ben Edlund, who gave me my first real professional break and, through his friendship and example, turned me into a writer and a more critical thinker in general. Christopher McCulloch