4 Quotes & Sayings By Christopher Hill

Christopher Hill is a New York Times bestselling author of more than twenty novels including his critically acclaimed series featuring the murderous, brilliant, and sometimes hilarious, Mac MacDougal. Christopher has been called "the preeminent voice in the thriller genre" by the Boston Globe.

Historians are interested in ideas not only because they influence societies, but because they reveal the societies that give rise to them. Christopher Hill
The radicals assumed that acting was more important than speaking. Talking and writing books, Winstanley insisted, is 'all nothing and must die; for action is the life of all, and if thou dost not act, thou dost nothing.' It is a thought worth pondering by those who read books about the seventeenth-century radicals, no less than by those who write them. Were you doers or talkers only? Bunyan asked his generation. What canst thou say?. Christopher Hill
Each generation ... rescues a new area from what its predecessors arrogantly and snobbishly dismissed as 'the lunatic fringe. Christopher Hill