6 Quotes & Sayings By Chris Young

Chris Young is a best-selling author of over a dozen books, including the international bestselling series The Black Dagger Brotherhood. His work has been published in more than twenty countries and in over thirty languages. He lives with his wife and two young sons on a farm in western Virginia.

Some of my favorite records growing up were Christmas albums. The ones I liked best were the albums that you could listen to from start to finish. You could put them on while you're decorating the tree or driving around looking at Christmas lights. Chris Young
If you were to ask me when I was 17 if I was mad because I didn't have a deal, I would have probably said, 'Yeah.' Now I'm so glad I got it when I got it. People tell you to be patient and wait. Patience is not a virtue of mine, but I think everything definitely happened the right way for me. Chris Young
Everybody has their favorite sad songs. That's part of what I love so much about country music. Country music is never afraid to go with a sad song. Chris Young
I'm a sucker for a sad song. Chris Young
I don't want to be the person who has the gigantic headlines: 'Look Who So-and-So Is Dating Now.' That, to me, isn't really who I am. Chris Young