10 Quotes & Sayings By Chris Martin

Chris Martin is a UK-based author, columnist, motivational speaker, and personal development coach. He is the co-author of the international best-selling book, How to Be Happy Now. He regularly writes for many of the UK's leading newspapers and magazines, including The Times, The Sun, The Daily Mail, The Mirror, Southern Living, Men's Health & GQ. Chris is also one of the most in demand featured speakers around the world.

I give complete respect to any couple that stays together, however they do it, whether they do it by going on red carpets or going hiking together, you know, or keeping themselves really quiet and trying to stay out of all that press stuff. Chris Martin
I've never been cool and I don't really care about being cool. It's just an awful lot of time and hair gel wasted. Chris Martin
I don't mind not being cool. Chris Martin
We aren't cool and never will be. Chris Martin
Being voted the world's sexiest vegetarian is about as cool as it gets. It's not quite as cool as Brad Pitt, but it'll do. Chris Martin
I know I am in a band that is famous, and my private life is famous. I get it, and it's fine. Even when I grew up in a village, people wanted to know who was going to the dance with whom, and I understand, but I think if I engage with it too much, it won't be that healthy. Chris Martin
Music comes from a place we don't know. Chris Martin
There's stuff going on in the world right now, which you can't imagine why is this happening; it's crazy. I don't know what the answer is, but if you didn't have faith in the universe that somehow something great would arrive at the end, then we'd all give up, and that would be a waste of everyone's time. Chris Martin
Just because a romantic relationship ends doesn't mean that the other facets of your relationship have to end... or, indeed, doesn't mean they can't get better. Chris Martin