4 Quotes & Sayings By Chris Damian

Chris Damian is the author of the new book Mindfulness for Dummies. He is a highly sought-after public speaker, and he has been featured on The Dr. Phil Show and Oprah Radio. Chris is a certified meditation instructor through the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society and an instructor with the Healing Arts Academy in Santa Barbara, CA Read more

He coaches people around the world and teaches meditation and mindfulness to all ages and stages on topics such as: overcoming anxiety, improving productivity, and managing stress. He is a regular contributor to Huffington Post, Psychology Today, Yahoo! Contributor Network, and more.

How can I use these [romantic] desires to love him, to serve him as a brother in Christ... Chris Damian
It does not strike me as a good thing that the only person we can be so, so close to is the person we're dating. Chris Damian
Human language can only work in broad categories. We create words for things, even though words have a danger of confining things. People will always be bigger than the words we use to describe them, and words will always have the tendency to give us narrow views. But this danger shouldn’t keep us from using words. I am a man; I am American; I am single; I am 5’10”; I am hungry; I am tired: I am happy: I am sad; I am studious; I am foolish; I am fallen; I am sinful; I am hopeful; I am inquisitive; and I am gay. I’m not just any one of these things, but I am all of these things. You could ask me to not categorize myself in terms of my sexual identity because I am not just my sexuality; but if you’re going to do that, you might as well not ask me to categorize myself at all. . Chris Damian