6 Quotes & Sayings By Chip Ingram

Chip Ingram is a writer, editor, and publisher with a special interest in writing for a younger audience. He has written articles for the popular website,  The Huffington Post  and maintains a blog at  http://www.chipingram.com . His first book is the "I'm-a-Toad" picture book. He lives in Sun Prairie with his wife, son, and dog.

Pray when you feel like praying, " somebody has said. "Pray when you don't feel like praying. Pray until you do feel like praying. Chip Ingram
Love sticks around even when it has a lot to put up with. Chip Ingram
Love says, "I'm with you, let's deal with it. Chip Ingram
Hopeless situations are never hopeless to God. Chip Ingram
If you simplify your life, quit chasing the wind, and be quiet before Him, He'll show up. Chip Ingram