3 Quotes & Sayings By Charles R Mackriel

Charles R. Mackriel was born in 1881 in County Mayo, Ireland. Mackriel attended the Royal University of Ireland, Phoenix College, King's College, London and the University of London. He was a professor at Queen's University, Belfast and the University of Birmingham Read more

The author of numerous works on education and education history, he died in 1955. The books by Mackriel that are available for free download include: Reforming Secondary Education: A History of Education in Britain and Ireland (1940) The Higher Training Colleges: A History of Education in Britain and Ireland (1938) A History of Education: Volume I: From Early Times to 1780 (1938) A History of Education: Volume II: From 1780 to the Present (1940) A History of Education: Volume III: The Post-War Years (1945) Education and Encyclopædia Britannica (1958) Other books available as free downloads include: The Principal as Leader (1952) - Downloaded 21,878 times The Principal as Manager (1950) - Downloaded 26,446 times The Principal as Entrepreneur (1950) - Downloaded 16,871 times The Principal as Businessman (1950) - Downloaded 15,871 times The Principal as Developer (1950) - Downloaded 13,034 times The School Board as Manager (1950) - Downloaded 24,037 times The School Board as Entrepreneur (1950) - Downloaded 25,140 times The School Board as Businessman (1950) - Downloaded 22,891 times The School Board as Developer (1950) - Downloaded 22,739 times Editorial Contributions to Encyclopædia Britannica  - Downloaded 21,547 times A History of Teaching in Britain and Ireland from the Earliest Times to the Year 1840  (1943)- Downloaded 15,460 times  - A History of Teaching in Britain and Ireland from 1840 to the Present   - Downloaded 10,692 times An Introduction to Educational Administration  (1946) - Downloaded 16,883 times Charles Mackriel's biography can be found here .

Countless people live their whole lives without ever knowing this..this unnameable thing that we share. This exclusive and secret club that we are so blessed to be a part of. I suppose that by many people's definition, it would simply be called 'Love'. And yet, this is unlike any other love or feeling or emotion that I have ever felt. Simply calling it 'Love' would be an injustice..it would do a massive disservice to this feeling that seems to envelop me with every breath I take. It's as if wherever I go, it goes; and whichever direction I look, it sees. It moves with me as if we've been doing this dance forever..like we are one being and of one mind. It has to uncanny ability to affect change by just existing; it speaks to me and with me and through me and every time it says my name, it cloaks my entire being with a warm comforting familiar glow..like it's only ever meant to be said that way and no different. It's not just simply love..it's everything. Charles R. Mackriel
The mind has the ability to trick the body into believing it is happy and that all is well - the heart however, feels it. And as the saying goes, 'The heart wants what the heart wants'. Anything else just wouldn't do... Charles R. Mackriel