34 Quotes & Sayings By Celso Cukierkorn

Celso Cukierkorn is a Brazilian author. His novel "Os Dias da Sabedoria" has been translated into 26 languages, including English.

In 1969 America put the man on the moon. In...
In 1969 America put the man on the moon. In 2016 America put the man in the women's bathroom. Celso Cukierkorn
You have to let go of what is holding you back. Celso Cukierkorn
Americans are following a stampede to the financial slaughterhouse. Let us stop following them and go in the other direction. Celso Cukierkorn
Poverty is a result of poor choices not of poor luck Celso Cukierkorn
If you spent your life trying to be LIKE EVERYBODY, you will only succeed at BECOMING A NOBODY." (Rabbi Celso Cukierkorn Bestselling Author and Speaker) Celso Cukierkorn
Life would be so much easier if everyone read my book Celso Cukierkorn
The starting point toward developing an improved future is building the power to picture it. Celso Cukierkorn
If you can live with less of what you have. You can be more of who you are. Celso Cukierkorn
There are just three things that you can do with Money: save, give, or invest. Somehow in here in America, with all our creativity, we have invented a fourth use for money: we can squander it Celso Cukierkorn
Cheap people often are not very happy because they love money more than they love their families Celso Cukierkorn
Tzedakah is different than charity. Charity comes from the word charitus, which means heart. Tzedakah comes from the word tzedek, which means justice, so when you are giving tzedakah, you are not just making the world a better place by contributing to hospitals, synagogues, churches, or your favorite cause. You are in a position of bringing justice to the world, becoming as God-like as possible. Celso Cukierkorn
You probably never realized this, but God wants to partner with us so that we can establish his kingdom here on earth. Have you heard of the universal principal of receiving? This principal is simply that in order to receive, you have to share. According to the Jewish tradition, an act of charity has the ability to change even a negative heavenly decree. Charity is not just meant to improve the world and those around you. It may surprise you to learn that it mostly serves to improve ourselves. Celso Cukierkorn
In bad countries the government takes care of everyone. In the best ones that's not necessary! ‏ Celso Cukierkorn
The only thing operating on me was my God-given renewing body and his miraculous healing foods. Celso Cukierkorn
You can also look at your body and think about how the blood flows and the fact that your body is in constant renewal. It is a miracle of creation happening within you every second of the day. This is something to be thankful for. Celso Cukierkorn
You can't have freedom of religion with a religion that hates freedom! Celso Cukierkorn
In life's journey, having the ability to predict the future gives us an unfair advantage. If we can understand the laws of cause and effect, anyone can predict the future. What we do today leads us to tomorrow's destination. Why does this simple truth seem to be difficult for most people to understand? Celso Cukierkorn
There is much more to wealth than simply a bank account with many zeros. A well-balanced, whole life is made up of wealth and success that comes from many facets; family, friends, work, faith, it is the complete person who works on each of these areas and creates the whole, Celso Cukierkorn
I believe that the true definition of wealth is loving what you have rather than what you don’t have. Celso Cukierkorn
Leverage is a term that makes us sound very sophisticated and wise when we use it. Let’s analyze what it really means. Celso Cukierkorn
As a rabbi, I’ve spent long hours counseling people I’ve married, and in each case I like to talk with the couple about not only compatibility and love, but also their relationship with money. If you and your partner are not in the same financial mind-frame, then chances are your marriage won’t work. You can’t be an army of one when you are married. Financial problems are the number one cause of divorce. . Celso Cukierkorn
My people have more know-how in dealing with money than any other people on earth. It is not just a stereotype. I have traveled the world, and everywhere I go, Jews are always represented within the wealthiest sector of people in their countries. During the last 2, 000 years, Jews have been expelled or turned away from almost every country in the world, but over and over again, they have been able to re-settle, start from nothing, and build significant wealth in new lands. . Celso Cukierkorn
My grandfather created a fortune that allowed him to live in luxury. He also went on to build the first industrial building in an area of San Paulo that eventually became one of the largest wholesale neighborhoods in the world. When my grandfather passed away, he left millions of dollars to my family as an inheritance. That inheritance, however, would have been worthless if he had not also given us his legacy of personal responsibility and work ethic. My grandfather refused to be defined by others, therefore setting not only the value of his product, but also of himself and his family. Celso Cukierkorn
Luxury items are those things that are mass-produced by a third party and marketed to us to purchase so that we can express our individuality. Celso Cukierkorn
We Jews created the concept of good luck. Luck in Hebrew is mazel, which is not actually a word. It is an acronym for three words: 1. makom = place2. zman = time3. lamud = work Celso Cukierkorn
Arrogance is knowledge minus wisdom Celso Cukierkorn
I can't promise you that money will bring you happiness, because it didn't do it for me. But the lack of it, for sure, will bring you unhappiness. Money buys you options and security. Without options and security your soul cannot soar and be free. From my Upcoming book Celso Cukierkorn
Remember, buying something is not the problem. The problem comes when we believe, for that moment, that the object we’re buying is going to make us happy. Celso Cukierkorn
In the end of the day it matters much more how wise you spent your money than how much of it you have gathered. Because the most important tool to measure your financial maturity is based uniquely on the first part of the question and the ability to keep money is more important than the ability to make money. Rabbi Celso Cukierkorn Celso Cukierkorn
As we understand it, everything is in the Bible for one reason — to teach us a lesson. Thus, in the beginning of the Bible, we see how God budgets His time for labor, and He saves the seventh day for rest, or retirement. The concept of budgeting was created by God to give us a life of prosperity in the world He created for us, so we should learn to budget as a way to emulate God in our financial life. Celso Cukierkorn
Right now, you understand that you are going to have to leave your Egypt of financial debt. I pray that you enjoy your ride through the desert to the Promised Land of prosperity. Celso Cukierkorn
There will always be businesses and companies, trying to make money from you, but that’s not the problem. The real problem is that you’re feeding the Beast. You’re allowing him to run free and overpower your Angel, and that is reflected in your financial life. It’s the reason your paycheck comes and goes, and it makes prosperity impossible. Celso Cukierkorn
The financial game is a team sport. God established a covenant with Noah after the flood, and later he established a covenant with Abraham. A covenant is an agreement between two parties. In order to prosper, you must establish what I call a “carevenant” with your family Celso Cukierkorn