4 Quotes & Sayings By Cathy Ostlere

Cathy Ostlere is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, and professional writer and editor. Her books have been translated in over twenty languages around the world. Her stories are known for their clever banter and sexy, swoon-worthy moments. Cathy lives in Florida with her amazing husband, two awesome kids, and two adorable but badly behaved dogs Read more

She has a long-standing love/hate relationship with caffeine

Women can go mad with insomnia. The sleep-deprived roam houses that have lost their familiarity. With tea mugs in hand, we wander rooms, looking on shelves for something we will recognize: a book title, a photograph, the teak-carved bird -- a souvenir from what place? A memory almost rises when our eyes rest on a painting's grey sweep of cloud, or the curve of a wooden leg in a corner. Fingertips faintly recall the raised pattern on a chair cushion, but we wonder how these things have come to be here, in this stranger's home. Lost women drift in places where time has collapsed. We look into our thoughts and hearts for what has been forgotten, for what has gone missing. What did we once care about? Whom did we love? We are emptied. We are remote. Like night lilies, we open in the dark, breathe in the shadowy world. Our soliloquies are heard by no one. . Cathy Ostlere
When we tell our stories, the gods hear our sorrows. Cathy Ostlere
I listen to the sound of India's voices for the last time . Laughter ripples like water . A prayer is a single note held long . There is so much life here . And too much death. I feel a soft brezze caress my face and I look up. An orange ribbon is floating through the air . In India , it's easy to see the wind . Cathy Ostlere