4 Quotes & Sayings By Carne Ross

Carne Ross is a former UK diplomat who served as the UN's Special Envoy for the Middle East Peace Process. He was previously Director of Policy at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, where he was responsible for strategic policy and conflict management in the region. Prior to that he served as Head of the UK's Political office in Cairo, where he was involved in organising UK-led efforts to foster peace talks between the Israelis and Palestinians. The author of several books, including The Missing Peace: Searching for a New Start in the Middle East - A Diplomat's Memoir (2007), he lectures widely on Middle East politics and is a visiting professor at Pembroke College, Cambridge.

If people do not have responsibility, do not expect them to behave responsibly. Carne Ross
In neo-classical economic theory, it is claimed without evidence that people are basically self-seeking, that they want above all the satisfaction of their material desires: what economists call "maximising utility". The ultimate objective of mankind is economic growth, and that is maximized only through raw, and lightly regulated, competition. If the rewards of this system are spread unevenly, that is a necessary price. Others on the planet are to be regarded as either customers, competitors or factors of production. Effects upon the planet itself are mere "externalities" to the model, with no reckoning of the cost - at least for now. Nowhere in this analysis appears factors such as human cooperation, love, trust, compassion or hatred, curiosity or beauty. Nowhere appears the concept of meaning. What cannot be measured is ignored. But the trouble is that once our basic needs for shelter and food have been met, these factors may be the most important of all. Carne Ross
Life is about means not ends. There is no utopia to be gained, there is no end-state that is static and eternal, once accomplished. This was one of the great lies of communism. Likewise, capitalism offers the great deception that thanks to its machinations everyone will be richer in the future, thus justifying gross inequality and humiliation today. Carne Ross