8 Quotes & Sayings By Candice Raquel Lee

Candice Raquel Lee is an author who has published in the field of romance. She has also published in the fields of fiction and non-fiction. She is a freelance writer and editor, who is currently working on her debut novel.

He stared at me in complete puzzlement, “And while I’m committing incest for you is there anything else you’d like? Maybe a side-order of bestiality? Candice Raquel Lee
I knew that people said love should be unconditional, given like a dog gives to its master, but what Being could give that way? What could love though it had been kicked and beaten? What could go kissing the hand of its tormentor with upturned eyes? I didn't know. Perhaps Jesus, perhaps the Dalai Lama, but I couldn't. I had a condition, the way life has conditions to live, the body must have certain conditions to grow, and Cristien had to meet mine or I could not live. I could not. . Candice Raquel Lee
But what if you are a smart girl in love? All because I was a book nerd didn’t mean, I didn’t feel, I didn’t want. Shylock had cried out in excess of pain, “If you prick me do I not bleed! ” But a book nerd is not allowed to be human, to say “you make me melt” and still have her mind want something else entirely? Candice Raquel Lee
To be a devil isn't so bad; to be a devil that can still see beauty, still remember what it was like to be in the sight of the most holy, now that was an obscenity, and that was what I was. Candice Raquel Lee
I’m a virgin, okay?” There was a moment of silence while I assume he was struggling to understand the connection. Then he spoke. “I’m not prejudiced against anyone. Candice Raquel Lee
She came downstairs like a doe stepping into a clearing on the first day of hunting season. I felt like a coward. I was lower than dirt. I had used every trick in my book to get her to come downstairs. I had manipulated her emotions, cheated and wormed to beat her at this game we were playing. But then I saw her, and I was so happy. I knew I would have burned the building down for the sight of her running toward me out of the flames. . Candice Raquel Lee
One night, we somehow ended up discussing Wile E. Coyote as a paradigm for obsession. She argued that Wile E., with all the resources he wasted on gadgets, could have been living high on the hog.“ He was so skinny, ” she complained after she had Googled him and watched a few skits on YouTube. “Poor thing, he looks like a size-zero model.”“ But, Love, no other food would have satisfied him. He only wanted the Road Runner. He was obsessed with her. Obsession does not allow for satisfaction. You can never really eat your cake and have it too, which is the only way you can satisfy your obsession by devouring and yet having the object of your fascination, ” I said from experience.“ But he really didn't want to catch it, ” she argued.“ What do you mean?”“ It was the chase he wanted. To eat the Road Runner would have ended that, ended his only reason for living. He isn't really that inept. He really didn't want to catch it.”“ I guess not, ” I said, thoughtfully. “It's the journey not the resolution that matters. If he caught her, he would lie down next to her and die too. . Candice Raquel Lee