5 Quotes & Sayings By Cameron Crowe

Cameron Crowe is a film director, screenwriter, and producer. His movies include the classic "Singles," "Almost Famous," "Say Anything," "Jerry Maguire," "Almost Famous," and more recently, the documentaries "Pearl Jam Twenty" and "Aloha." As a screenwriter for such films as "Singles," "Say Anything," and "Vanilla Sky," Crowe has received an Oscar nomination. He is also the author of books including his memoirs and "Almost Famous: Based on a True Story."

The only true currency in this bankrupt world are the...
The only true currency in this bankrupt world are the moments you share with someone when you're uncool. Cameron Crowe
Adolescence is a marketing tool. Cameron Crowe
I will tell you in another life when we are both cats. Cameron Crowe
I'm proudest of the fact that I've been able to make a few movies in the studio system that are slightly unorthodox and personal. But it's never quite as easy as you dream that it could be. Cameron Crowe