7 Quotes & Sayings By Bryan Batt

Bryan Batt is a two-time recipient of the prestigious John E. Loeb Award For Excellence in Journalism from Harvard University. He has been a contributor to "USA Today," "The New York Times," "Los Angeles Times," and "The New York Observer." He has also covered the entertainment business for publications such as "The New Yorker," "Vanity Fair," and "The New York Times Magazine." In 2003, he was a Pulitzer Prize finalist for his work at "The Village Voice." Batt lives in Brooklyn, where he serves as a contributing editor at the magazine "New York Press."

I have my issues with organized religion and cafeteria-style religion, picking and choosing certain dogmas that apply or seem ethical while ignoring the oppressive, non-inclusive, and outdated ones as if they don't exist. The trouble began a long time ago when we tried to bring God indoors. Leave it to mankind to screw it up and to Christians to turn heaven into an exclusive country club. Bryan Batt
Be fun! I don't like homes or rooms that don't have a sense of humor or have some sense of whimsy or a personality. Your home should reflect who you are, and what you love. I would never have something in my home because it's the thing to have. I have to love it and it needs some connection to me. Bryan Batt
I'm in love with red. I think it's such a passionate color. Every flag of every country pretty much has red it it. It's power, there's no fence sitting with red. Either you love it or you don't. I think its blood and strength and life. I do love red. I love all colors. Great shades of blue, you find them in nature. They're all magic. Bryan Batt
I always wanted to be an actor, but I always loved design, and growing up in New Orleans there was such great style, great architecture. I would decorate my little apartment in New York over and over again, because it only had a couple of rooms. And I did it for friends and family on the side just for fun. Bryan Batt
Gray is great. People think gray is a neutral, but I think it's such a moody, intense, dramatic and sexy color. It's very sleek. Bryan Batt
People are easily intimidated when they decorate their home. They think it has to be one way. But there's no one way. It's your way, your style. At the end of the day, you have to live there. It's your cocoon, your nest. You have to be happy in it. Bryan Batt