3 Quotes & Sayings By Brander Matthews

Brander Matthews was born in Los Angeles, California on September 29, 1913. He spent his early years in the family home on Mount Lowe, where he heard his first stories of the West by his mother who had grown up on a ranch in Montana. He attended City College of Los Angeles for one year, then dropped out to study art. Matthews was rejected from the Art Students League due to his race Read more

After being rejected from Art Students League, Matthews worked at a number of jobs before becoming an ambulance driver during World War II. During this time he wrote poems and short stories which were published locally in newspapers and magazines. He also began to publish short stories in magazines like The Saturday Evening Post and Liberty Magazine.

By 1947, he had sold over twenty short stories to magazines including True West Magazine, The Saturday Evening Post Magazine, Liberty Magazine (home of "Uncle Remus" stories), Collier's Weekly Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine, True Story Magazine, Reader's Digest Magazine and others. He began working full-time as a writer for the magazine Life shortly after World War II.

A gentleman need not know Latin but he should at least have forgotten it. Brander Matthews
A highbrow is a person educated beyond his intelligence. Brander Matthews