5 Quotes & Sayings By Bob Saget

Bob Saget – best known as a stand-up comedian, actor, and creator of the hit show "Full House – grew up in a family of stand-up comics. He worked as a comic at the Comedy Store for over twenty years, and many consider him the most successful stand-up comedian of all time. He has been nominated for an Emmy eight times, and won three Emmys for his work on the animated series "America's Funniest Home Videos" and "The Sopranos." His latest film project is a comedy called "Inside Out" which he wrote, produced, directed and stars in. The movie was released in 2015.

When you're famous, you're always famous. It doesn't go away. Bob Saget
Celebrity is a word that I find offensive. That's the c-word. I hate it. It means no discernible talent. It means all you want is to be famous. It doesn't mean you're a writer, an actor, a mime. I think I wanna not be a celebrity. Bob Saget
Soon, I'm going to meet somebody around my own age, and she's going to be smart and beautiful, and I'm going to date her daughter. Bob Saget
The whole thing for me is that I did 'Full House' and 'America's Funniest Home Videos, ' and I look like a dentist, and I'm a dad. Being known as a dirty comedian turned into this weird thing. It's people's image of me. Bob Saget