4 Quotes & Sayings By Blanche Ebbutt

Since 1989, Blanche Ebbutt has been teaching English in the US, UK and Middle East. Her specialty is creative writing. Her students have won various awards for excellence in creative writing. She is the author of over twenty books, including The Lark, which was shortlisted for the Guardian Award for Best Fiction Book of the Year in 2015 Read more

She is an avid traveler, with a particular interest in Mexico.

Don't forget to wish your husband good-morning when he sets off to the office. He will feel the lack of your good-bye kiss all day. Blanche Ebbutt
Don't allow yourself to get into the habit of dressing carelessly when there is 'only' your husband to see you. Depend upon it he has no use for faded tea-gowns and badly dressed hair, and he abhors the sight of curling pins as much as other men do. He is a man after all, and if his wife does not take the trouble to charm him, there are plenty of other women who will. Blanche Ebbutt
Don't brood; that way madness lies. Don't hesitate, if you catch yourself brooding, to 'take a day off' in the best way you can. Go out and gossip with your friend; get to a theatre where there is a play that will make you laugh; or try a concert or a cinema show - anything that will take you out of yourself. Take the brooding habit in time before it gets too strong a hold of you. Blanche Ebbutt