3 Quotes & Sayings By Beth Neff

Beth Neff is a best selling author of the popular Clean series. She has been nominated for multiple awards for her writing including the prestigious RITA Award, and recently signed with St. Martin’s Press in New York to publish her debut novel, The Clean Duet. Beth lives in the woods of Southern Pennsylvania with her husband, two children, three cats, and one dog Read more

When she’s not writing or being a mom, she enjoys cooking, gardening, photography, hiking, traveling, and trying out new recipes for dinner.

Then Cassie told her story. The feeling was like gathering up everything she's ever done or felt or known up to that moment and tying it into a ball and pitching it with all her might as far away as she could, and then watching to see what would happen next, what would roll back to her, what would have gotten left behind. Beth Neff
Sarah wonders if whatever secrets Grace is protecting feel the same as her own, sometimes just fuzzy and ticklish, like a littler of kittens trying to climb and paw their way out, and sometimes with claws bared, kittens grown to tigers, camouflaged but always ready to spring. Beth Neff