3 Quotes & Sayings By Benjamin Britten

Benjamin Britten was a British composer. In 1945 he became the youngest ever recipient of the Nobel Prize in Music. He was born in Lowestoft in Suffolk on 25 November 1913, where his father was principal organist. His musical education began at the age of eight with piano lessons; he later studied clarinet and composition at the Royal College of Music Read more

At sixteen, Britten entered the Royal College of Music, where he studied composition under Ralph Vaughan Williams. It was there that Britten met fellow students Humphrey Searle, Peter Pears and Peter Warlock, all of whom became lifelong friends in addition to their musical collaboration in the Aldeburgh Festival. Britten graduated from the Royal College of Music in 1934 and then went on to study composition with Charles Wood at Oxford University, where he received a Doctorate of Music (DMus) degree in 1938. Author: GLYNIS HALL

It is cruel, you know, that music should be so beautiful. It has the beauty of loneliness of pain: of strength and freedom. The beauty of disappointment and never-satisfied love. The cruel beauty of nature and everlasting beauty of monotony. Benjamin Britten
I am an arrogant and impatient listener but in the case of a few composers a very few when I hear a work I do not like I am convinced that it is my own fault. Verdi is one of those composers. Benjamin Britten