34 Quotes & Sayings By Ba Gabrielle

B.A. Gabrielle is an award-winning international bestselling author of contemporary romance, women’s fiction, and young adult fiction. She writes about the people who make us laugh, cry, and love in the most romantic ways. Her stories are filled with love, devotion, and friendships that keep us coming back for more.

If you've never experienced something and don't know how to write about it, then make it a fantasy book. It gives you a lot of freedom. B.A. Gabrielle
Writing a main character is very important to me. Because each time I create one, it feels like another piece of me in a different world. B.A. Gabrielle
A good editor fixes. A superb editor fixes without ruining the original message of your book as a superb translator does as well. B.A. Gabrielle
Hating a main character for being too weak is like expecting a human to be able to do everything. Stories aren't all sunshine and rainbows. B.A. Gabrielle
Watching TV helps me come up with a lot of new ideas. Psychological and mystery help me the most because of how thought provoking they are! B.A. Gabrielle
Your mind is beautiful. No matter what problems people say you have, every mind is capable of writing something inspiring and beautiful. B.A. Gabrielle
An idea can be born from many things. Dreams, food, people... Ideas are everywhere. It's up to you on how you utilize them. B.A. Gabrielle
I love every single character in my books. Killing a character of causes me physical pain... It's like ripping a band-aid off too fast. B.A. Gabrielle
Do you know what the best thing about a conscience is? You can never mute it. It's an unlimited stream of ideas flowing into your mind. B.A. Gabrielle
Why are you sitting there watching/reading someone else's creation when you can be watching/reading your own creation instead Hustle! B.A. Gabrielle
Wishful thinking isn't particularly bad. Without it, how would you paint happy ideas inside your mind? Don't be so cynical. B.A. Gabrielle
Write what you feel like writing at first without worrying about how it sounds. That's what second drafts are for. Enjoy the first one! B.A. Gabrielle
Writing is about freedom. It may become precious and fleeting at any time. Don't let anybody shackle down your wings with doubt. B.A. Gabrielle
Your imagination is a very important thing because nobody can take that away from you. No one can look in your head and read your thoughts. B.A. Gabrielle
I base a deuteragonist on the best friend I never had. A lot of good ideas come from what I never had and cause my imagination to light up. B.A. Gabrielle
Age does not matter if you're chasing your dream. As long as you work hard and smash those obstacles in your way, you'll see some progress. B.A. Gabrielle
When writing a book, don't think about who is going to see it. Write about how you feel in the moment. Don't let a good idea get away. B.A. Gabrielle
A review is a double-edged sword. It will either get people interested, or it might drive people away before they even click "buy". B.A. Gabrielle
A good way to never run out of ideas? Surround yourself with interesting people, then think about how you can make them into characters. B.A. Gabrielle
Always make sure to write down whatever you can remember dreaming about. Dreams are just dormant ideas. It's up to you how you use them. B.A. Gabrielle
I'm the type of person who wakes up at 12 AM just to write down a sudden idea that gets in my head. I have a never ending imagination. B.A. Gabrielle
When you have a nightmare, don't let it control you. Try transforming that fear into into an antagonist to release pent-up feelings. B.A. Gabrielle
Change courage into main characters, fear into antagonists, and peace and safety into supporting characters. Don't hold anything back. B.A. Gabrielle
I like writing multiple stories at once. It's fun to change my mindset and get transformed into a different story when I feel like it. B.A. Gabrielle
Don't be afraid of your own imagination. No matter what you write, there's always someone out there who will appreciate it. B.A. Gabrielle
If you keep looking back, you'll never be able to move forward. You're the only one who can stop yourself from your own success. B.A. Gabrielle
Fall is the season of beauty and delicious food. Be grateful for the change of scenery, and try observing it to get more book ideas. B.A. Gabrielle
When you're sick, you can never get your mind straight. But if you're passionate and sick, you'll find a way to write down something. B.A. Gabrielle
Don't let a bad review get you down. You can't always please everyone. B.A. Gabrielle
Don't let anyone tell you your idea is stupid. Do you know how many successful people had people tell them that, and they still made it? B.A. Gabrielle
Don't wonder why your time hasn't come yet. When you plant a seed, it always takes a while to grow. Don't be hasty. Think, plan, hustle. B.A. Gabrielle
If you have a surprise idea, don't let it go! No matter if it's 4 AM, 6 AM or 12 AM, don't let it go! It might have been a great one! B.A. Gabrielle
Writing something new is an effective way to get rid of writer's block. Or you can observe the people around you and fantasize like I do. B.A. Gabrielle