5 Quotes & Sayings By Azza Nazh

Born in a small village in Lebanon, Azza started writing at a young age. She graduated from the University of Beirut with a degree in journalism. After working as a journalist for seven years, she turned to writing full-time. She became a published author after being chosen as one of the winners of NaNoWriMo, a national writing contest sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts Read more

Her first novel, The First Door, was released in 2013 and was published by Aladdin Paperbacks.

I feel jealous, I want to be something your mind consumes the most. Azza Nazh
A different direction defines what to me is real and to you is hooey. Azza Nazh
Other's success is not your failure, but your success can be other's failure. Azza Nazh
Some might say; loving is worse than hating, yet leaving is the worst. Azza Nazh