3 Quotes & Sayings By Ayibu Makolo

Ayibu Makolo is an author, playwright, and performer of drama-based comedy. He is also a poet, critic, and critic of poetry. He was born in London, but grew up in the United Kingdom and the United States of America where he obtained his BA in African-American Studies from Harvard University. He has published three books of poetry: "The Black Sun" (2002), "Wisdom's Window" (2004) and "The Magician's Elephant" (2007) Read more

His third novel, "The Long Road to Paradise", was published in 2010. He was awarded the 2013 Commonwealth Writers' Prize for Africa for his work over the past twenty years.

Christopher's heart bled that night and he could not sleep. Deborah who used to call him numerous times in a day and send countless messages was now not answering his calls. And she never called him. Ayibu Makolo
The problem was not an issue of availability because there were African girls everywhere. Christopher met them in church, in bars and in the cafeteria on the ground floor of the Sir Duncan Rice library. Ayibu Makolo